Friday, September 21, 2007


An incredible thing the book is. More incredible are the many ways in which people find creative ways in which to use them. Take Brian Dettmer for insatnce. While book carving is probably best known for hiding pistols, knives or other (such as we see in old movies), Brian carves into them revealing their artwork within; creating complex, three-dimensional sculptures that are to say the least, astounding.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trees, Parking Garages, Knitting, and more.

Lens Culture : Myoung Ho Lee
Myoung Ho Lee a young artist from South Korea, has produced an elaborate series of photographs that pose some unusual questions about representation, reality, art, environment and seeing.

Eureka Carpark
Eureka Carpark in Melbourne, Australia just had some amazing environmental graphics put up ... designed by emerystudio... Inspired by the work of Swiss artist Felice Varini—whose perspective-defying installations look a lot like giant vector art superimposed on buildings or interior architectural spaces—the team designed colorful forms that are both two- and three-dimensional.

Newsknitter is a data visualization project which focuses on knitted garments as an alternative medium to visualize large scale data. The exhibition consists of ten unique sweaters that are produced as sample outputs of the News Knitter project. The patterns of the sweaters are generated by using online global news of a particular day or local Turkish news of a particular time period.



Visuals of the World
Here's another cool project to get involved in Visuals of the World. Be part of the longest visual website in the world!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It's Been A WHILE. Catch-up Time.

Phew... it's been a long time coming everyone... sorry we've not kept up with the ole blog, summer completely smothered us! So here's a nice long blog, full of great design and art to get you all back up to speed. Oh, and participate in our next project: 10 Crayon Colors!!!

First off, thought we'd feature some of our good friends -- some are 3R5 members, some aren't (but should be! hint hint) so chew on this:

Steve Raggie
Steve Raggie is one of 3R5's longest running members. While skilled in graphic design, photography, and printmaking ... his forte is truly drawing and painting. He's been in multiple shows and is currently preparing for a big one -- don't worry we'll post the opening info as soon as we get our hands on it.

Myles Karr
Myles Karr is not only a kick-ass illustrator who runs a crafty lil side shop called "so little lions", he's also one popular tattoo artist. Check out his insanely immense portfolio of illustrations and tattoos. And call him to book an appointment.

Katie Crimespree
Katie Crimespree, originating in TROY, is not only a longtime friend and member of 3R5, she's one crazy talented draw-wer. And by crazy ... I mean, crazy. Her illustrations have a truly hilarious narrative and sometimes she uses her writing skills in comic book collaborations.

Paul Garcia
Paul Garcia former Brooklynite, now LA-man is another illustrator who kicks ass with the paintbrush and the pencil. Along with his mix-n-match paintings... his drawings are true collages of what goes on in his brain.


Now let's look at some of our new favorite designers, starting with

Marian Bantjes
Marian Bantjes is amazing. A typographic queen. I was so impressed with her autobiography that I decided to include in excerpt of it for you: "I’m Canadian, and I love being Canadian. I love being self-deprecating even though Americans see it as a sign of weakness. I love being politically left of center (actually, quite far left, if you must know). I love being honest, and nice and polite and caring and kind. (Although sometimes I really do wish I could be a total bitch without feeling guilty about it.) I’m amused by my own respect for authority and rule-following instincts." Read the rest here.

Laura Snell
Laura Snell is a brilliant British graphic girl, her designs are bright, geometric, snappy and smart. Look out for this one.


Just to be well-rounded, here's a cool project to get involved in Face Your Pockets.

We're going to be better about posting, so keep checking in! xo - 3R5