Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trees, Parking Garages, Knitting, and more.

Lens Culture : Myoung Ho Lee
Myoung Ho Lee a young artist from South Korea, has produced an elaborate series of photographs that pose some unusual questions about representation, reality, art, environment and seeing.

Eureka Carpark
Eureka Carpark in Melbourne, Australia just had some amazing environmental graphics put up ... designed by emerystudio... Inspired by the work of Swiss artist Felice Varini—whose perspective-defying installations look a lot like giant vector art superimposed on buildings or interior architectural spaces—the team designed colorful forms that are both two- and three-dimensional.

Newsknitter is a data visualization project which focuses on knitted garments as an alternative medium to visualize large scale data. The exhibition consists of ten unique sweaters that are produced as sample outputs of the News Knitter project. The patterns of the sweaters are generated by using online global news of a particular day or local Turkish news of a particular time period.



Visuals of the World
Here's another cool project to get involved in Visuals of the World. Be part of the longest visual website in the world!

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